This page provides a home for downloadable files of some of the tunes used in the Friday folk music sessions (in PDF format), as well as song sheets and tunes for some of the special Sunday/Saturday sessions and other events.

If you want any of the music in abc format contact External link opens in new tab or windowJeremy Dale

For details of the Saturday and Sunday events, see the Special Events page. For information about the regular events - Tuesday Folk Club and Friday sessions - see the Regular Activities page.

Friday tunes

With the addition of volume 3, there are now 100 of our favourite tunes. Which of these we actually play changes over time, but if you know any of them, we would be happy to play them with you. The versions shown are (more or less) as we play them. You may find they are a bit different from versions you get from elsewhere - that's folk music for you! 

July 2024.  Since these were posted. our repertoire has continued to evolve, which is reflected in a further set of tunes - volume 4 contains over 50 tunes.
We are also playing an increasing number of Welsh tunes; these are contained in a separate file for convenience (some of them were included in vols 1-3).

Tune downloads

Friday tunes list all volumes.doc 29.0KB
Friday tunes volume 1.pdf 175.0KB
Friday tunes volume 2.pdf 326.7KB
Friday tunes vol 3.pdf 321.2KB
Friday tunes Volume 4.pdf 492.9KB
FridayTunes Volume 4 index.docx 14.8KB
Welsh tunes.pdf 175.6KB
Welsh tunes index.docx 13.8KB


Our occasional Sunday afternoon Eurosessions have proved very popular. See the External link opens in new tab or windowHome page of this website, or the Club's External link opens in new tab or windowFacebook page, for a notice of the next session. Most of the tunes sre in Les Panards Dansant tunebook. For additional tunes, click the link below.

Tunes from Galicia and Asturias. These are provided by courtesy of Rob Garcia of Na-Mara. For more information about Na-Mara, visit their External link opens in new tab or windowwebsite.

Glossop Eurosession Supplementary tunesJan 2020.pdf 289.5KB
Tunes from Galicia and Asturias.pdf 67.4KB


Special events

Carols from Derbyshire

In many parts of the country there is a tradition of singing local carols, often in pubs. The ‘Sheffield Carols’ are the most famous, but the tradition also exists in many villages in North Derbyshire. We have a session in December when we sing carols from Hathersage, Castleton, Eyam, Foolow and Sparrowpit. These carols are all great fun to sing. You don’t need to be able to sing well; the main quality required is enthusiasm!

Our Sing this year is on Friday Dec 8, starting at 7.30.

The list of carols we will sing can be downloaded (see below), as well as the wordsheets and a file showing the tunes as well.


Edited extracts from the 2021 sing are available on YouTube at External link opens in new tab or window

Carol list 2022.doc 49.0KB
Carols 2022 words.pdf 357.5KB
Carols 2022 tunes and words.pdf 281.9KB

Celtic (Welsh/Irish) night

Welsh song sheets 75.5KB
Translations 281.9KB
Irish songsheets.doc 47.5KB

Welsh tunes 2022.pdf 187.0KB


Music Hall

Come along to sing your favourite music hall songs and recite you favourite monologues. The session will be run informally in the style of a folk singaround.
We'll welcome all types of songs, humorous or non-humorous that may or may not have come from the music hall tradition of the UK, Ireland, or elsewhere.

This event has not yet re-started; look out for the next one.

Original Songs

Some of the people who come to the Tuesday Folk Club and/or the Friday/Sunday music sessions have written songs; some of these you can see by following the links below. You don't need permission to perform them, nor to reproduce them for non-profit purposes. If you plan to start making money out of them, that would be a different matter!

Songs, including Aberfan and A tin of sardines, written byExternal link opens in new tab or window Jeremy Dale

A number of original songs by Jim Johnson can be seen on YouTube - go to External link opens in new tab or windowBlackNed51